Additional Commissioner chairs meeting of Divisional Task Force of Polio

HYDERABAD -  A review meeting of the Divisional Task Force Polio was convened on Tuesday at the Commissioner’s Office, Shahbaz Building, under the Supervision of Additional Commissioner Manzoor Ahmed Leghari. Addressing the meeting, Manzoor Ahmed Leghari emphasized the need for intensified efforts to eradicate polio. He highlighted the significant progress made in the division, with only one polio case reported in Sindh during January. He said that the division faces unavailable and refusal children cases and preparing to manage these challenges by implementing micro plan strategies. To further boost the campaign’s success, Additional Commissioner stressed the importance of social mobilization awareness initiatives at the taluka and union council levels, entrusting deputy commissioners with this critical responsibility. The meeting concluded on a positive note, with representatives from the World Health Organization acknowledging the division’s good performance in the previous anti-polio campaign. With renewed commitment and collective efforts, the upcoming campaign is poised for success. Police officers, representatives from the World Health Organization and divisional deputy commissioners, and health department officers partook via video link to discuss preparations and public awareness strategies for the upcoming 12-day Big Catch-up Routine Immunization Campaign, set to commence on February 20.

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