5 injured in IUB’s Cholistan Institute building collapse incident

BAHAWALPUR    -   As many as five persons got injured due to a building collapse in the Baghdad-ul-Jadeed Campus of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur. According to the spokesperson of the university Shahzad Ahmad Khalid, on Thursday around 3:30 pm, a part of the Institute of Desert Studies building at the Baghdad-ul-Jadeed Campus of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur collapsed due to a gas leak explosion. The university’s medical and security staff reached the scene immediately and started the rescue operation. The security staff immediately informed Rescue 1122 and transferred the five injured individuals present in the building to Bahawal Victoria Hospital Emergency.

The injured include the Director of the Cholistan Institute of Desert Studies Dr. Muhammad Abdullah, students Muzammil and Ashfaq, and peons Wajid and Sajjad.

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