Aftab Durrani made secretary interior

ISLAMABAD  -   The federal gov­ernment on Monday appointed Aftab Akbar Durrani, a BS-22 officer of Pakistan Administra­tive Service, as the new secre­tary interior. According to a notification issued by the Es­tablishment Division, Durrani has been transferred and post­ed as Secretary Interior Divi­sion. Before his present post­ing, he was previously working as secretary Ministry of Re­ligious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony. The position of sec­retary interior was vacant fol­lowing the untimely death of Abdullah Khan Sumbal earlier this month. He passed away in Lahore after failing ill. Sumbal was working as secretary in­charge of the Ministry of Inte­rior. He had taken charge of his office on August 20 this year.

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