Punjab cabinet approves three mega projects

LAHORE   -   Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif Wednesday presided over the 15th provincial cabinet meeting, during which several important decisions were made. The cabinet approved three major projects: “Apni Chhat... Apna Ghar,” the Chief Minister’s Green Tractor initiative, and the Children’s Heart Surgery Program. The meeting also approved an increase in penalties for illegal weapons and kite flying. Additionally, the cabinet approved the MDCAT policy for public and private medical and dental colleges, as well as the establishment of Punjab’s first Life Insurance Company. Notably, for the first time in Pakistan, the cabinet approved housing loans based on plot ownership and a CNIC copy. Borrowers can secure a loan of 1.5 million rupees with a monthly installment of Rs. 14,000 over nine years. Following the chief minister’s direction, this loan scheme will function as a revolving fund, with no additional charges to the public. The chief minister emphasized the need to simplify the scrutiny process for housing loans, stating that the Punjab government aims to ease the burden on its citizens. The goal is to construct 500,000 houses over the next five years.

She also directed ministers to personally assist in collecting the first installment of the housing loans.

The cabinet approved the distribution of 9,500 tractors under the Green Tractor Program, which includes a subsidy of Rs. 10 lakh for landowners with up to 50 acres. This scheme will commence on September 20, with a balloting process set for October 20. The Chief Minister expressed her intention to provide a total of 30,000 tractors to Punjab farmers.

The Children’s Heart Surgery Program was also discussed, with directives to expedite the pending 12,000 surgeries and to invite international surgeons for pediatric heart surgeries. The CM stressed the need for urgent measures to address children’s mental health issues and instructed the Health Minister to oversee the program.

The cabinet okayed amendments in the Punjab Arms Ordinance of 1965, making offenses non-bailable, and set penalties of three to five years and fines between Rs. 500,000 and 700,000 for illegal arms manufacturing. Under the Kite Flying Ordinance of 2001, penalties for kite flying were established, with potential imprisonment of 2 to 5 years and fines of Rs. 2 million to 5 million.

Other approvals included the recruitment of an Assistant Comptroller in the Chief Minister’s Office, the regularization of contract employees in the Public Health Engineering Department, and the establishment of a search committee for the Vice Chancellor of the University of Agriculture Faisalabad. The cabinet also extended the contracts of 583 project employees in Literacy and Non-Formal Basic Education for one year.

Further decisions included amendments to the Punjab Vagrancy Ordinance and the Probation of Offenders Ordinance, appointments within the Punjab Agriculture Food and Drug Authority, and the inclusion of new development schemes in the Annual Development Program.

The cabinet ratified decisions from the previous meetings and approved various appointments, including the General Manager of the Punjab Pension Fund and the resignation of the CEO of the Lahore Knowledge Park Company.

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