Discussion revolves around amplifying anticipatory action to mitigate impact of anticipated disasters

ISLAMABAD  -  Pakistan, grappling with an array of climate-in­duced and geo-meteoro­logical challenges, is tak­ing a substantial stride toward proactive disas­ter management. The Pa­kistan Red Crescent So­ciety, German Red Cross, and The National Disas­ter Management Author­ity (NDMA), in collab­oration with esteemed partners, including the International Federa­tion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Food & Agricul­ture Organisation (FAO), World Food Programme (WFP), Welthungerhilfe (WHH), Concern World­wide (CWW), and UN OCHA, organised the ‘In­augural National Dia­logue Platform on An­ticipatory Actions in Pakistan’ here on Tues­day. 

The nation has been besieged by floods, heat­waves, Glacial Lake Out­burst Floods (GLOF), droughts, cyclones, ex­treme cold and heat, forest fires, and earth­quakes—each posing a severe threat to lives, displacing communi­ties, and wreaking hav­oc on infrastructure. In response, this two-day event aspires to unite diverse stakeholders in a collaborative effort to craft a comprehensive roadmap for anticipatory action in Pakistan. 

The event convened humanitarian actors, meteorologists, climate scientists, national gov­ernments, academia, community leaders, and decision-makers. Discus­sions revolved around constructing, reinforc­ing, and amplifying an­ticipatory action and forecast-based financing to mitigate the impact of anticipated disasters. Participants delved into strategies for integrating anticipatory action con­cepts into existing pro­jects and advancing the utilisation of weather and climate data for en­hanced disaster prepar­edness. 

In his opening remarks on the first day, Chair­man PRCS Sardar Shahid Ahmed Laghari under­scored the need for col­laboration, stating, “In this era, our focus must center on climate-led ini­tiatives linked with time­ly early actions to di­minish the impact of disasters on vulnerable communities. COP28 dis­cussions align with Antic­ipatory Actions as well. The National Dialogue Platform is a pivotal step towards building resil­ience, and the Red Cres­cent Society is commit­ted to collaborating with all partners for effective anticipatory actions.” 

He mentioned that PRCS would develop Ear­ly Action Protocols on the Indus River basin in highly vulnerable dis­tricts of Sindh, Punjab & KP. To achieve this target, PRCS looks forward to NDMA and other stake­holders at the provincial level for their support. 

Lt Gen Inam Haider Malik, Chairman NDMA, shared his perspective on the significance of the event, stating, “The challenges posed by cli­mate-induced disas­ters necessitate a col­lective and anticipatory response. This platform offers an opportunity for all stakeholders to con­verge, share knowledge, and formulate strategies for proactive disaster management.” 

He emphasised that this landmark event sig­nifies Pakistan’s com­mitment to fostering resilience and collabo­ration in the face of cli­mate-related challenges. By harnessing the collec­tive expertise of diverse stakeholders, the Na­tional Dialogue Platform aims to chart the course for a more anticipatory and effective disaster management approach in Pakistan.

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