Bring Back Democracy

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is an independent organization responsible for improving and conducting fair elections to establish a truly elected democratic government in Pakistan. However, in recent years, everyone in Pakistan has witnessed the ECP’s anti-democratic actions.

The latest report by the United Nations’ Human Rights Working Group on the arbitrary imprisonment of Imran Khan through fabricated cases—most of which were registered on behalf of the ECP—documents the anti-democratic workings of the ECP in the history of both Pakistan and the world.

The ECP’s primary job is to conduct fair and timely elections. Yet, the ECP has repeatedly delayed elections under various pretexts. It has also created obstacles for the most popular political party in Pakistan, preventing it from participating in elections. The ECP registered now-debunked cases to arrest the leaders of this political party and is currently not fairly allocating reserved seats to the party.

If the Chief Election Commissioner were professional, he would have tendered his resignation following the UN’s scathing report. Unfortunately, he must be removed from his role to restore true democracy in Pakistan.

I, therefore, request all patriotic Pakistanis and democracy advocates to demand the removal of the Chief Election Commissioner from the Government of Pakistan. Treason charges should be filed against him and all who collaborated with him for delaying elections, conducting unfair elections, and undermining the democratic rights of Pakistanis. Help bring back true democracy in Pakistan and end this charade.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt