Imran getting unprecedented relief, claims Shazia Marri

ISLAMABAD    -    Pakistan People’s Party yesterday alleged that Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan was getting unprec­edented relief from the judiciary.

PPP leader Shazia Marri, who is also the federal minister for poverty alleviation, said “it has become abun­dantly clear that there exists a stark difference in dispensation of justice. It was denied to Mohtarma Bena­zir Bhutto Shaheed; however, relief is being granted today to different individuals by the same courts. We are reminded of the unfortunate cir­cumstances surrounding the lack of justice in the case of late Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed, where her killers were ultimately granted re­lief.” The spokesperson said it was disheartening to see the contrast­ing treatment received by those in­volved in similar cases.

“We witness the individual re­sponsible for the embezzlement of Rs. 60 billion being welcomed as an honored guest in the Supreme Court. It is perplexing to comprehend how a person with such allegations against him can be greeted with such hon­ors,” she contended.

Marri added that it was a mat­ter of great concern that the court now claims that it is not possible for one person to attend so many cases simultaneously.

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