CM prioritizes development of merged tribal districts

Peshawar   -   Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ali Amin Khan Gandapur emphasized that the development of tribal districts is a top priority for his government, with Jirgas being organized to address the challenges faced by these areas.

He noted that the administration is already acting on the issues raised in the first Jirga and plans to hold district-specific Jirgas to tackle problems unique to each merged district. Recruitment policies will prioritize locals, and illegal mining has been halted to ensure local communities benefit from these opportunities.

The Chief Minister also highlighted new infrastructure projects focusing on road development, clean drinking water, and social services.

He added that unnecessary check posts are being abolished, and funds have been released to reactivate outsourced hospitals in the merged districts.

He reiterated that the provincial government is committed to fulfilling all promises made to the merged districts, following the vision of Imran Khan to make the province self-sufficient.

Law and order remains a challenge, but pragmatic steps are being taken in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt