Robbers gang rape teenage girl in Pattoki

| IGP takes notice, seeks report from RPO concerned | Five raiding teams constituted to arrest culprits

KASUR/Lahore   -   A teenage girl was allegedly raped by robbers in the limits of Sadr Pattoki Police Station on Thursday. Police said that Zahoor Ahmed along with his 15-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son Ehsan was on his way to village after attending a marriage function when some dacoits intercepted them near Pattoki-Chunian bypass.

The outlaws took Zahoor to nearby fields and tied him with rope. Later, the outlaws raped his daughter and managed to escape when some passersby came to rescue her after hue and cry.

On information, DPO Kasur Sohaib Ashraf and DSP Pattoki along with heavy contingent of police reached the spot. The victim was shifted to THQ hospital where after medical examination, it was confirmed that she was gang raped.

The DPO took notice of the incident and constituted five raiding teams to arrest the culprits involved in heinous crime, while Punjab forensic team was collecting evidences from the crime scene. Police claimed to have arrested suspects and started investigation. A case of robbery-cum-rape has been registered.

Meanwhile, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Panjab Rao Sardar Ali Khan Thursday took notice of gang-rape of a 15-year-old girl by robbers in Pattoki and sought a report from the RPO concerned.

The IGP directed DPO Kasur to remain in contact with the affected family and ensure justice to the affected girl on priority basis.

DPO Kasur Muhammad Sohaib Ashraf said teams of Punjab Forensic Lab and Crime Scene Unit had collected evidence from the spot while five teams of CIA and district police had been formed to arrest the accused. He said that a suspect involved in the incident had been arrested and investigation was under way.

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