Punjab Ombudsman intervenes to provide relief to widow

LAHORE  -  In compliance with the orders of Punjab Ombudsman Maj (r) Azam Suleman Khan, the Parks and Horticulture Authority Gu­jranwala has disbursed outstand­ing dues of Rs2,401,974 to the widow of an employee who had passed away during service. The widow had lodged a complaint to the Office of the Punjab Om­budsman for the provision of out­standing dues of her late husband who died in 2020 while doing a job as a spray man with the PHA Gujranwala. Despite her appeals, the PHA Gujranwala had not taken action to address the financial ob­ligations owed to her following her husband’s death. The applicant also added that she and all other dependents were unemployed. Seeking equitable resolution, she turned to the ombudsman’s of­fice, seeking outstanding dues that belonged to her late spouse. In re­sponse, Ombudsman Azam Sule­man Khan instructed the DG PHA Gujranwala to fulfil the obligation of paying the remaining dues to the applicant. In adherence to the directive, the authority promptly disbursed the outstanding sum of Rs. 2,401,974 to the widow.

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