Unheard Voices

The issue of women’s rights is particularly significant to me as a girl growing up in today’s society. Unfortunately, women often face challenges in obtaining their rights. Society sometimes pressures women into staying at home to care for their families, reinforcing the belief that they don’t have careers or should marry early. There’s also a disparity in the freedom granted to boys and girls, with some parents restricting their daughters’ movements.

It’s disheartening to witness societal norms discouraging girls from pursuing education, perpetuating the misconception that women are not meant to study. Furthermore, some families subject their daughters to unwarranted criticism when they express the desire to explore opportunities beyond the home.

I earnestly request all parents to empower their daughters by granting them the rights they deserve. Education and personal development should be encouraged for everyone, regardless of gender. This would contribute to a more inclusive and equal society.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt