Shared governance

It is aptly said in a democracy, only heads are counted, not the minds. The unprecedented results of the recently held general elec­tions have opened new vistas and a window of golden opportunity for political parties to make can­did retrospective assessments of where they went wrong and how their expected results were over­turned by voters and supporters during the poll. Amid the inva­sion of disinformation and specu­lations, it has become the norm of the day to spread false news and fake narratives on social media, as keyboard warriors have flung into action, spreading fake news of a clean sweep by one of the hos­tile political parties. However, the ground realities proved much dif­ferent than the reality.

While results from various con­stituencies are pouring down like a cascade shrouded in mystery due to unprecedented delays in announcements of results, scepti­cism has arisen among voters and candidates. But due credit must be showered onto the Election Com­mission of Pakistan (ECP), which has conducted free and fair elec­tions amid serious security threats in the most excruciating prevailing ambience in the country.

As per emerging results, inde­pendent candidates have made history by winning the majori­ty of seats all across the country. Now, they are constitutionally ob­ligated to join the party of their choice, and their mandate must be accepted and acknowledged by all means, as their voters have re­posed trust in them.

Another imperative and interest­ing factor that has played a pivotal role this time around and has long-lasting impacts on the future dy­namics of our political landscape is the vote of resentment and re­venge overwhelmingly cast by the supporters and voters of the Paki­stan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) after be­ing deprived of their iconic elector­al symbol, the bat, with which they have battered their opponents.

Apart from this, international me­dia have also been smelling the rat while pronouncing their verdicts through their political analyses and debates regarding the elections. However, it is pertinent to men­tion here that our security institu­tions have to formulate policies and strategies on their own, assessing the ground realities, and they need not act on some dictates of foreign institutions and organizations.

Keeping the split mandate in view, it is stoutly hoped that whichever parties form the next government must tread the path of reconciliation instead of con­frontation, as the country needs a healing touch to be steered out of the plethora of crises ranging from political instability to eco­nomic and financial challenges, which must be the top priority of the new government.

In order to move ahead, it is im­perative to nurture a pragmatic culture of inclusivity, amity, and concordance instead of locking horns with one another. It is also the dire need of the hour that the country is in serious straits, and our country definitely needs some dynamic and visionary leadership to explore the new vistas of mak­ing progress and development. A holistic approach is earnestly needed while burying the hatch­et by all political forces, and they must act sagaciously with great political acumen to facilitate the lives of the common men who have definitely exercised their right to franchise for a better and prosperous Pakistan.

Resentment and a backward-looking mindset in dealing with political challenges must be avoided and everyone must work for the collective good of the peo­ple, leading this great nation to­wards the cherished objectives envisioned by the founding fa­ther of this great nation.

Long live Pakistan!



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt