Archealogy Dept to prepare videos of historical sites to boost tourism

PESHAWAR   -   The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Archeology and Museum Department is working on a plan to prepare videos of historical sites of Peshawar for showcasing abroad in order to attract foreign tourists and earn maximum revenues for the government. Keeping in view of 2500 years old documented history of Peshawar blessed with numerous historical and archaeological sites, the department is working on a proposal to prepare short videos on Peshawar Museum, Balahisar Fort, Gor Kathri; Qissa Khwani, Chowk Yadgar, Mohabat Khan, Sethi House and others, highlighting its historical significance through digital media platforms. Known as the oldest living city in South Asia, Peshawar has a unique distinction of being a custodian of eight to ten ancient civilizations including Gandhara, making it a centre of attraction for foreign and domestic tourists due to its unique archaeological sites and glorious history. Famous for ancient Balahisar Fort and Qissa Khwani Bazaar, Peshawar was officially declared by the Archaeology Department as the ‘Oldest Living City’ in South Asia with its history going back to 539BC.  Assistant Director Archaeology and Museums, Bakhtzada Khan told APP that the department was working on a proposal to showcase these historical sites abroad through Facebook, Twitter’s and other social media tools to attract archealogy and Ghandhara art-lovers.

He said the Gor Kathri’s scientific excavation has disclosed that Peshawar was the oldest living city in South Asia inhabited by the humans with diversified culture, language and architecture. Gor Khatri excavation, architectural designs, food and languages have revealed that eight to 10 ancient civilizations existed in Peshawar and its unlocking abroad through social  media would help attract foreign tourists to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

He said the excavation at Gor Khatri, which continued for several years and published in British Journal ‘Current World Archaeology’ titled `The deepest and biggest excavation in the world’ has indicated 20 layers that provide a complete profile of the Peshawar city ranging from British down to pre-Indo-Greek era. The excavation has discovered that Peshawar was a province of Persian Alchamenian Empire in four to six century BC and later came under the influence of Mauryans, Greeks, Scythians, Kushans, Sasanians, White Huns, Ghaznavis, Slave Dynasty, Ghoris, Suri Afghans, Mughals, Durrani, Sikhs and the British before the creation of Pakistan. Conquered by Greeks and ruled by Buddhists, Peshawar had witnessed rebuilding by Brahmins, invaded by Ghaznavis, captured by Mughals, over run by Sikhs and annexed by British in succession.

Despite witnessing the onslaught of warriors, and kings who marched from Afghanistan, Central Asian Republics to the Subcontinent through historic Khyber Pass, he said that Peshawar’s remained intact and a centre of attractions for tourists and traders since its establishment.  “Qissa Khwani Bazaar remained centre of attractions for international traders and merchants, who often stayed here to enjoy its famous Chappli Kabab and others delicious cuisine with traditional Qehwa and exchanged stories about each others’ culture, food, art and music before departing to Central Asian Republics (CARs) and Subcontinent for trade.”

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt