Tibetan govt-in-exile separatist political group: China

BEIJING    -   The so-called “Tibetan government-in-exile” is entirely a separatist political group, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said on Thursday.  “It is an illegal organization that violates China’s Constitution and laws. No country in the world recognizes it,” he said during a regular briefing held at International Press Center (IPC). He said that when it comes to the contact and talks‚ between the Chinese Central Government and the 14th Dalai Lama, policy of the Chinese side is consistent and clear.  “The key is that the 14th Dalai Lama must have a complete reflection on and thoroughly correct its political propositions,” he added.

In response to a question about the meeting of US congressional delegation with Dalai Lama in Indian city of Dharamdhala, he said that administration there. Will you be commenting also on the visit of the US congressional delegation to Dharamshala, he said, “We made clear China’s position on the related issues previously.”

Lin Jian said that the Chinese government’s position on Xizang-related issues is consistent and clear. Xizang’s affairs are China’s internal affairs, which brook no external interference.

The Chinese side urges the US to fully recognize the importance and high sensitivity of Xizang-related issues, earnestly respect the core interests of China, abide by the commitments it has made to China on Xizang-related issues, he added.

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