Dangerous U-turn on the Palestinian Issue

Recently, both our foreign office and the ruling political party have made statements that appear to express support for the Palestinians. Initially, our foreign office issued a press release endorsing the ‘two-state’ solution. Soon after, a senior Cabinet member, during his visit to the UK and other countries, echoed this stance, reaffirming the government’s support for the ‘two-state’ formula to resolve the Palestinian issue.

This unfortunate U-turn is a stark departure from the principled position held by our successive governments, dating back to our founder, Quaid-e-Azam. He unequivocally condemned the creation of Israel as an illegitimate result of the Anglo-American alliance and refused to recognise it. Since then, no Pakistani government has recognised Israel, upholding the same principled stance. Now, quietly and without debate, this long-standing position—reflecting the will and aspirations of the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis—is being reversed. If we endorse the ‘two-state’ solution, will we then have any reason not to recognise Israel? Or has that decision already been made behind closed doors? Whose agenda is driving this sudden shift, and why is it being imposed on us?

Our Constitution allows for a national referendum on issues of paramount importance. Before any such drastic change is imposed, I demand that the government be compelled to hold a nationwide referendum on this issue. It is vital that all political parties, media outlets, intellectuals, and educators rise to the occasion and ensure that public opinion is heard. The Supreme Court should also take suo motu notice of this disturbing deviation and require the government to seek the people’s will through a referendum, as provided for in our Constitution. While we are at it, perhaps other unresolved national issues, such as the construction of the Kalabagh Dam and the repeal of the 18th Amendment—both of which hinder national unity and enable corruption—can also be addressed through the same referendum.

Let us hope that common sense prevails and that these rash decisions, driven by vested interests, are halted by raising public awareness.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt