PIFD VC, commerce minister discuss ‘Design Centre Concept’

ISLAMABAD   -  Prof Hina Tayyaba, Vice Chancellor of the Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design, met with Federal Minister for Commerce Jam Kamal Khan to discuss the introduction of a “Design Centre Concept” aimed at boosting Pakistan’s fashion and design industry.

The meeting focused on how this concept could fos­ter opportunities in educa­tion, research, and devel­opment within the fashion industry, with the ultimate goal of promoting exports and tapping into interna­tional markets. Prof. Hina Tayyaba explained that the concept is inspired by inter­nationally established de­sign centers in countries like Australia, the UK, China, and the U.S. (Miami).

She emphasized that such a center in Pakistan would significantly enhance the industry’s potential, espe­cially in higher education and research, contributing to the country’s global com­petitiveness.

Minister Jam Kamal Khan appreciated the concept and accepted the proposal for submission, promising to discuss it further at the next Export Development Fund (EDF) board meeting. He also assured full support from the Ministry of Com­merce and encouraged more proposals related to the fash­ion industry for the upcom­ing EDF meeting. Meanwhile, Mohamed Yahiya, newly appointed United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator (UNRHC) called on Federal Minister for Com­merce. He was accompanied by representatives from UN­RHC office, United Nations Industrial Development Or­ganization and International Trade Centre.

UN Resident and Human­itarian Coordinator briefed the official on wide range of interventions for improv­ing trade competitiveness of Pakistan.

He was of the view that trade was an important sec­tor for generating much needed fiscal space vital for ensuring sustainable devel­opment. The UN team high­lighting the importance of trade related environmen­tal measures globally, ex­pressed their intent of devis­ing a package of Trade and Climate for sustainable trade growth in Pakistan.

The minister appreciated the Work of UN in the realm of trade and advised to take provinces and other rel­evant stakeholders onboard in the process.

Jam Kamal further em­phasized that SMEs should be given preference while devising polices and clari­fied that for sustainability it was critical that benefits of exports growth are shared equitably with marginalized and vulnerable including the populace living in peripheral areas. The minister appreci­ated the work being done un­der UN agencies for promot­ing equitable and sustainable development in bordering districts. He specially took note of the projects working in agricultural sector to im­prove the conditions of small farmers and growers.

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