Commissioner reviews arrangements for Chehlum, Urs

LAHORE   -   Lahore Divisional Commissioner Zaid bin Maqsood conducted a review of arrangements for the Chehlum of Imam Hussain (AS) and the Urs of Ali bin Osman Al-Hajvery (RA), popularly known as Data Ganj Bakhsh by visiting key locations along the routes, including Data Darbar Chowk, Delhi Gate, Bhatti Gate, and Lohari Gate. During his visit, Commissioner Lahore directed that all road repairs and the removal of hanging wires along the Chehlum route be completed promptly. He emphasized the need for all departments to finish their assigned tasks. The commissioner also noted that surveillance of the entire Chehlum route would be enhanced with the use of Safe City cameras and additional monitoring. He was briefed on municipal and security arrangements for both the Chehlum and the Urs of Data Ganj Bakhsh. Zaid bin Maqsood instructed that in rain, WASA should ensure effective drainage management to provide timely responses. The Urs of Data Ganj Bakhsh, which spans three days, is expected to draw thousands of visitors to the shrine of Hazrat Ali bin Usman Al-Hujwiri.

, a major center of reverence for Muslims across the subcontinent.

The commissioner also specified that Rescue services, sanitation teams, polio and dengue control teams, and health personnel would be stationed at the shrine throughout the Urs. Parking arrangements for the visitors would be managed by the Lepark Company. Additionally, the quality of food and langar (community meal) would be monitored by the Punjab Food Authority (PFA).

Deputy Commissioner Lahore Syed Musa Raza, SP Security Lahore, Chief Corporate Officer of Metropolitan Corporation Lahore (MCL), Additional Deputy Commissioner Headquarters, and Assistant Commissioner City were also present during the visit.

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