People asked to avoid walking in dirty water during rainy season

Sukkur   -   A health expert has urged the people to ensure proper oral, internal and external hygiene.

Additional Medical Superintendent (AMS), Khairpur Medical College Hospital (KMCH), Dr Syed Najaf Ali Shah appealed to the public to be careful, as the body’s immunity reduced during monsoon and made it vulnerable to many diseases, which were commonly associated with this season.

During his visit to different wards of KMCH, he said that the diseases associated with monsoon were malaria, jaundice, gastrointestinal infections like typhoid and cholera.

He said that puddles of water, which gets stagnant due to rainwater become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and cause spreading diseases like malaria and dengue fever. Dr Najaf Ali Shah advised using a mosquito net or mosquito repellants like mats and coils.

He also cautioned the people to avoid walking in dirty water during the rainy season, adding this may lead to numerous fungal infections, which affect toes and nails.

He also asked the diabetic patients to take special care of their feet and always keep them dry and clean.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt