Sanitary workers appreciated for best cleanliness arrangements during Muharram

RAWALPINDI   -   Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Rawalpindi Waste Management Company (RWMC) Rana Sajid Safdar Sunday said that sanitary workers had done a great job by ensuring the best cleanliness of the city during Muharram and Eid ul Azha days.

Giving a grand banquet in their honour, he said that sanitary workers are the heroes of successful Eid ul Azha and Muharram cleanliness operations and added that workers performed their duties diligently despite holidays, epidemics, rains and others. 

He cherished the entire staff of RWMC for their exceptional performance during the Eid holidays and Ashura day processions.

Rana said that RWMC completed its cleanliness operation by removing all waste materials on the routes of the Ashura day processions besides sprinkling lime powder after the culmination of processions. He said a comprehensive cleanliness plan, following the policy of Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, had been chalked out for Muharram processions to keep the processions routes neat and clean for the mourners. 

Under the special cleanliness programme, all Imambargahs, procession routes and their vicinity were cleaned besides the waste containers were also emptied, adding nullahs and drains adjacent to Imambargahas had also been cleared with excavators and heavy machinery.

He added that the construction material or debris had also been removed from the routes of the procession and its adjacent areas while the relief camps had been set up at various places to carry out the cleanliness work regularly till the conclusion of Ashura’s day processions. 

He said that the company had cancelled the holidays of sanitary workers and deputed additional staff to ensure Ashura Muharram’s cleanliness arrangements. 

Furthermore, he said that the social and mobilization communication teams were also conducting an anti-dengue drive to aware the masses about the hazards of the fatal virus and motivate them to keep their surroundings clean for the elimination of the dengue virus. He added that the purpose of the anti-dengue campaign was to educate the residents about the fundamental standards of cleanliness so that the citizens could apply these standards in their lives to make their surroundings neat and clean.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt