PA ex-deputy speaker Dost Mazari joins PML-N

 Former Punjab Assembly deputy speaker Dost Muhammad Mazari joined on Monday the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N). 

Mr Mazari met PML-N senior vice president Maryam Nawaz who welcomed him and said, "With the joining of Dost Muhammad Mazari, the PML-N will be stronger in South Punjab". 

On Saturday, Ms Nawaz said she was not in favour of trying civilians in military courts but look at the credibility of civilian courts first. 

Addressing a meeting of religious scholars, she said civilian courts had become controversial, adding that they had become a tool for [appeasing] a political party. “How can we expect justice now,” she questioned.

She went on to say that it was the biggest crime to use religion for political purposes, adding that PTI chief Imran Khan always used religion card. 

Ms Nawaz said foreign funding was employed to raise Mr Khan, adding that his party burned the country for holding him accountable. “Now they are hiding when it is the time for real freedom,” she added.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt