A Cry for Justice

I am writing to bring to your attention the injustices faced by candidates from Sindh province. A few months ago, SIBA announced job openings for grades 5-15 and conducted tests at various levels, including matriculation, intermediate, and graduate. Despite qualifying for these tests, many candidates remain unemployed due to the prevailing injustices in our province.

Specifically, I want to highlight that MQM imposed a stay order on the jobs for grades 5-15. However, the court has now announced that the tests will be reconducted, and candidates will have to reappear and pay a fee of Rs. 1700. This raises questions about where the previous fee of Rs. 1700 was spent.

I urge the concerned authorities to take swift action against the corrupt courts and advocates responsible for this injustice against the candidates.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt