Health hazards of spitting in public

‘It’s quite a common habit in our society unfortunately because most people are not aware'

While having breakfast in Melody Food Park in Islamabad, I noticed a passersby spitting numerous times which seemed even more disgusting considering there was food being cooked or eaten in every corner of this crowded area. The casualness of doing this in a food market was appalling to me. So after my instant loss of appetite, I proposed conducting a thorough research on spitting and its dangerous consequences as my school project. 

The original act of spitting began in the ancient subcontinent where people spat next to each other to protect themselves from ‘nazar,’ or the evil eye. Fast forward to a few centuries later, we often see people carelessly spitting in public areas. Most commonly it is people who chew paan (betel leaf) or naswar (moist snuff). 

‘As a taxi driver, I see people of all ages doing it,’ said Muhammad Shabbir, a local taxi driver in Islamabad. ‘Sometimes they spit naswaar without caring if it gets on other people’s shoes or clothes,’ he says with pure disgust. ‘In short, it is a very bad habit and I am very allergic to it.’ 

Qari Muhammad Aslam, a teacher at Jamia Masjid Farooqia also expressed his concern for how common public spitting has become. ‘It occurs because people are unaware, I have a general idea but nothing specific. They should teach a course in school, I believe media institutions can help spread awareness too.’

Several public interviews later, my team and I had reached the conclusion that majority of citizens had little to no idea of the health hazards caused by spitting, including ourselves. This meant it was time to get in contact with a medical expert. ‘In medical terms, we call it drop transmission,’ highlighted Dr. Amna Afzal MBBS, a Consultant Microbiologist at Metropole Laboratories. ‘If someone with a disease or illness spits, anyone within a 1.5 meters’ vicinity is exposed to the germs through drop transmission.’ When asked about specific diseases, she went onto name, ‘Viral illnesses such as the cold or flu, Equine Encephalitis Virus (EEV) illnesses, in Pakistan more specifically tuberculosis.’ 

It is worth mentioning that tuberculosis ranks as the 13th major cause of global mortality. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Pakistan ranks 5th amongst TB high-burden countries. 

‘It’s quite a common habit in our society unfortunately because most people are not aware,’ Dr. Amna expressed. ‘Taking precautions can seriously improve our country’s health.’ 

The doctor further underlines the potential menace. ‘In light of the recent pandemic, Covid-19 is very easily transmitted through drop transmission as well.’ She went on to explain: ‘The major transmission route for Covid-19 was the respiratory route meaning the disease spread via aerosol particles and droplets.’ 

Doctors and experts insist that people, especially those who are ill, should wear masks and avoid spitting in public areas at all costs. Not only does this benefit the environment overall, it also protects thousands of innocent citizens from catching life threatening diseases and illnesses. 

Observers urge the authorities to pass a fine for spitting in public. ‘If they do so after being educated, they should be punished and fined,’ Qari Muhammad said. A survey conducted by my team and I also showed that 90% agreed to strict fines reducing the act of spitting in Pakistan. 

Moving forward in a post-Covid-19 world, it is necessary for our government to effectively curb this behavior by imposing strict fines and policies against the act of spitting in shared areas. Pakistan’s population will only continue to grow rapidly and added cases of contagious diseases will only add more pressure to our healthcare system alongside more lives being lost. 

Zainab Pirzada, a young writer, devotes most of her time to reading and writing. Having recently completed her O' Levels, she shows an interest in exploring social problems and economic inequalities through her writing.

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