Protesting Opposition holds session outside Punjab Assembly

Chant slogans against Punjab government and Speaker

LAHORE   -  The Punjab opposition on Monday stayed away from an Assembly session it had itself convened by submitting a requisition in the assembly secretariat a few days back. This happened for the first time that the Opposition requisitioned the session but did not attend. Instead, the Opposition held public assembly on the street outside the Assembly with Mian Ejaz Shafi acting as the speaker. The opposition chanted slogans against the Punjab government and the speaker. The opposition members stated that they would not enter the House until the membership of the suspended members was restored. They also passed resolutions against rising electricity prices and in favor of Palestine and Kashmir. The opposition leader Ahmad Khan Bachar alleged that even those members whose membership was not suspended were prevented from entering the Assembly. In his speech, the Opposition leader said that eleven of their members were suspended and barred from entering the assembly because they opposed the TikToker government. He mentioned that the opposition chamber was locked. He said the government thought they would submit, but they would not. He accused the speaker of being biased and stated that their movement would not end until the release of the founder of PTI and its workers. They are challenging the speaker’s actions in court, he added. Other opposition members claimed that the government was burying the public alive, and Maryam Nawaz was engaged in retaliatory actions. They said the rulers were now attacking the Supreme Court and urged them to focus on providing relief to the people instead of political feuds and revenge. In the public assembly, resolutions were also passed for the release of Aafia Siddiqui and the resolution of the Kashmir and Palestine issues, condemning the atrocities there. A resolution against rising electricity prices was also passed. After completing the agenda, the public assembly session was adjourned indefinitely. Also, the Assembly secretariat released a list of 42 opposition members who marked their attendance on Monday to get TA, DA, but did not attend the Assembly session they had themselves convened.  Separately, Speaker Punjab Assembly Malik Muhammad Ahmad Khan held a press conference and lamented the attitude of the Opposition. The speaker said that today’s session was called at the opposition’s request, but the opposition members did not attend the session. “Each session of the Assembly costs 27.1 million rupees. The opposition takes their salaries from the assembly but engages in chaos, tearing budget copies and creating uproar.” He maintained that he had suspended the membership of opposition members according to the rules, just as PTI did during its tenure. He also rejected the claim of the opposition leader that their members were not allowed to enter the Assembly. “If no one was allowed inside, how did sixty people sign in and leave”, the speaker asked. In the previous assembly session, he said, women were subjected to obscene insults and slogans. “As Speaker, I will not allow filthy language and will take action against violators according to the rules.”, he warned. “A committee has been formed for the code of conduct.

Those who used abusive language should apologize in the assembly. No one will be allowed to use foul language in the assembly.” He told the media that sixty opposition members signed in for the TA/DA to claim the 7,000-rupee travel allowance.”They sit in public assemblies without objection, calling sessions daily and running them in gowns.” “How many will write to me that they won’t take their salaries for today’s session?”, he asked. The speaker went on to say: “How many will write their resignations? I am waiting. “There are requests from the opposition for rooms, chambers, official cars, and staff. They want facilities but don’t let the assembly function.”

”Your leader wants chaos in the country, but I will not allow filthy language in the Punjab Assembly.”

He further stated that there were 26 petitions in the election tribunal, including issues of irregularities and counting, “The opposition will remain at 132, but it will not affect the government”, he added.

He said this was for the first time the opposition requested a session and then did not attend. “I have asked the Ministry of Law how to handle the expenses. “The self-proclaimed honest ones are not ready to give up even ten rupees. Sixty trustworthy followers of Imran Khan, who claim to bring revolution to the country, have committed a unique fraud for ten thousand rupees.”

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