PTI leaders oppose military operation muqaddam khan

Swabi   -  Former speaker of the National Assembly Asad Qaiser and Aftab Alam Afridi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Law, Parliamentary Affairs and Human Rights, and KP Minister for Irrigation Aqibullah on Monday said that they will not allow military operation on the Pakhtoon soil at any cost because it would further deteriorate the situation.

KP law minister was the chief guest on the occasion of oath-taking ceremony of Swabi Bar Association (SBA) and the ceremony was also attended by lawyers of Swabi Bar, Tehsil Topi Bar, Tehsil Razaar Bar and Tehsil Chota Lahor Bar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Bar, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) leaders and workers, and office-bearers of various political and religious parties, officials of district administration, judiciary and police.

Speaking on the occasion, Asad Qaiser said that their utmost desire is that the Parliament must be a supreme body as per Pakistan’s Constitution and judiciary should be independent. “Elected representatives of the people have power to work for the economic prosperity of the country and its masses. This is genuine democracy and this is the right way of governance,” he added.

“Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) had won just 70 seats of the National Assembly but was awarded 180 seats, this was the reason that PTI leaders have been crying that the present government is fake and even their children did not accept them,” Asad Qaiser said.

He said, “The federal government is saying that they will establish constitutional courts, this is a new idea, but if they create constitutional courts, what will be the position of the Parliament in such a scenario.”

The former NA speaker said that the biggest problem is that the people are losing confidence in the national institutions and he was afraid that the country may move towards a civil war. “The people who rigged the elections and weakened the Parliament are responsible for the entire mess.”

Asad Qaiser said: “The Bannu situation is a new drama to pave the way for military operation.” He said that the intelligence agencies have no role to meddle in political affairs of the country but in our country the situation is totally different and instead of their official duty they continued interference in affairs of people’s elected representatives.

“I condemn the illegal arrest of Chairman PTI Barrister Gauhar, Secretary Information Rauf Hasan and other leaders. The government has gone mad like an angry elephant in its last days,” he said.

Asad Qaiser announced Rs 50 million for Swabi Bar and installation of solar system.

Addressing on ceremony, KP Law Minister Aftab Alam said after 9/11 Pakistan had received $50 billion from various institutions and countries, but we want to ask where had this money gone. He said that 50 fresh judges will soon be inducted in the judiciary in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

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