Webinar explores Imam Hussain’s sacrifices

ISLAMABAD   -  A webinar titled “Quranic Horizons of Ashoor to Zahoor: Foundations for Imam Mahdi’s Divine Governance” highlighted the significance of Imam Hussain’s (AS) sacrifices in the battle of Karbala and their profound connection to global Islamic values. Dr. Nisar Hamdani, a renowned scholar, discussed how Imam Hussain’s (AS) courageous stance at Karbala embodies timeless principles of justice, compassion, and faith, aligning with the anticipated mission of Imam Mahdi.

Hosted by Tehran University’s Faculty of Theology, the event brought together scholars and researchers from various countries, offering a unified perspective on themes such as justice and human perfection (Kamaal-e-Insaan), as outlined in a news release. Dr. Hamdani presented a framework categorizing human actions into four domains: self, others, other creatures, and God, illustrating how Imam Hussain’s life exemplified a balanced commitment to these domains. Key Quranic verses, including Surah Al-Baqara (2:155), Surah At-Tawbah (9:111), and Surah Al-Fajr (89:27-30), were cited to emphasize Imam Hussain’s (AS) adherence to divine guidance and the enduring relevance of these principles in contemporary society. Dr. Hamdani also discussed six fundamental principles derived from Imam Hussain’s (AS) will to his brother Muhammad e Hanfia, highlighting their importance for Imam Mahdi’s mission and the responsibilities of his followers. These principles included the reform of the Ummah, promotion of good deeds, revival of Sunnah, resistance against oppression, migration for the sake of Allah, and Jihad in the path of Allah. The webinar underscored the pivotal role of values such as justice, truth, and compassion in both historical and modern contexts.

Dr. Hamdani emphasized their crucial significance for those advocating justice, opposing tyranny, and anticipating the establishment of a just governance under Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ.

Dr. Hamdani, frequently invited by international universities, urged educational institutions and researchers to revise curricula to include a holistic approach to human development and ethical upbringing (tarbiyat).

He proposed that his structured approach, the Divine Model of Human Action, could enrich academic discourse and deepen understanding of universal values.

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