Mirpurkhas Mayor criticises Irrigation Dept for inadequate water supply

MIRPURKHAS   -   Mayor Abdul Rauf Ghori of Mirpurkhas Municipal Corporation expressed frustration over the inadequate water supply from the irrigation department, hindering the city’s water supply schemes. He expressed his dissatisfaction in an exclusive interview with journalists at his office on Saturday. Despite these challenges, the mayor assured that his team is working tirelessly to provide clean drinking water to the public. Ghori also explained that the delayed opening of canals from the Jarwari station has resulted in insufficient water supply to the pumping station, leaving the ponds unfilled. He revealed that a letter has been sent to the concerned secretary to address the issue. The mayor also highlighted the problem of 16-hour electricity load shedding at the pumping stations, which are located 7 km apart, further complicating the water supply situation. To resolve this, a demand notice of Rs. 68 lakh has been submitted to HESCO for replacing the power feeders, with a proposed budget of Rs. 4 crore 71 lakh to be completed within a month, he further added. When questioned, Ghori assured that the generators at the pumping stations are well-stocked with diesel and the motors are in good working condition.

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