Sanctions Hypocrisy

Israel’s unchecked genocide in Palestine, fully aided, armed, and abetted by the West, has thankfully shattered the long-standing myth of the West’s humanitarian values and its belief in a New World Order. More and more, the global population is awakening to the reality of how the West has manipulated its power to suppress other nations. The recent hypocrisy is almost comical.

The U.S. has added over two dozen entities to a trade blacklist, alleging support for weapons and drone development programs in Pakistan and Iran, as well as aiding Russia’s war effort in Ukraine. These entities are accused of funnelling U.S. technology to actors deemed undeserving of it, and thus, they have been blacklisted from participating in the U.S. economic system. However, anyone observing the global landscape would notice the glaring contradiction: while making these accusations, the U.S. has shamelessly supplied vast amounts of cutting-edge military aid to Israel and Ukraine, directly contributing to the loss of thousands of lives and facilitating a genocide, all while labelling other nations’ legitimate self-defence actions as problematic.

This pattern of hypocrisy extends far beyond procurement lists. Designations of terrorists, financial blacklists, pressure from international financial organizations, and the entire discourse around human rights have often been wielded as opaque tools to coerce countries into submission. Nations opposing U.S. interests are regularly slapped with sanctions, restrictions, damaging labels, and harsh reports from human rights organizations, gleefully amplified by imperial media outlets based in New York and Washington. Yet, with time, this once-powerful tactic has lost its edge.

As global public opinion turns increasingly against the U.S. for its support of genocidal actions, the world is beginning to seek alternatives—perhaps found in forums like the BRICS summits. U.S. sanctions are losing their impact. Nations are exploring alternative solutions, and once viable options are established, the U.S.’s role as the dominant global bully will diminish.

Pakistan must recognize that it is on the right path. Its national security is far more critical than aligning with the U.S.’s imperial goals. We should focus on maximizing our self-defence capabilities and building bilateral relations with neighbouring nations on our terms.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt