Federal law minister asserts parliament's supremacy over supreme court verdicts

Federal Law Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar has emphasized that the parliament holds supreme legislative power, positioning it above the verdicts of the Supreme Court.

In a recent press conference, he stated that only an assembly elected by the people has the authority to enact legislation.

In response to inquiries, Tarar clarified that the law stipulates that an independent candidate must join a political party within three days, addressing existing confusions that will be clarified through a revision appeal.

He reiterated that the process of an independent candidate joining a party is irreversible and underscored that parliamentary legislation supersedes Supreme Court decisions.

Tarar also recalled the Peshawar High Court's verdict, which upheld the Election Commission's decision by a unanimous five-zero majority. He noted that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party was not involved in cases before the Election Commission, Peshawar High Court, or Supreme Court, and stressed that an independent candidate's loyalty cannot change after joining a party.

Additionally, he pointed out that the detailed decision failed to explain the distribution of seats, expressing concern over the harsh language directed at judges who issued dissenting opinions.

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