National Disintegration Hydra

Pakistan is currently at a crossroads, facing a significant threat of national disunity. The public’s unwillingness to accept government policies clearly indicates that the seeds of disintegration have taken root. Despite efforts to achieve national cohesion and unify all citizens in the pursuit of prosperity and stability, Pakistan has seemingly failed to grasp the essence of national integration. Since its inception, the country has faced internal reservations. The people of former East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) had strong grievances, feeling that they were not given opportunities proportionate to their population. The state’s failure to address these concerns resulted in Pakistan’s bifurcation and the emergence of Bangladesh in 1971.

Similarly, the Baloch people also seem disillusioned with the state of Pakistan. They frequently take to the streets to have their concerns addressed. People from Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are also part of this list, occasionally protesting to draw attention to their issues. However, these demonstrations and protests often fall on deaf ears, exacerbating the menace of national disintegration and stalling Pakistan’s journey toward stability. The recent rejection of the military operation “Azam-e-Istehkam” confirms the presence of distrust among the masses. However, the growing monster of national disunity can still be controlled. To achieve this, the state must address the people’s problems immediately and treat them equally. Otherwise, prosperity will remain a distant dream for Pakistan.



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