Christain woman chooses Muslim husband in court following dispute

MUZAFFARGARH   -  In a strange turn of events, the two people claimed to be husband of a woman, mother of four, amid the busy market. Police source said Asia Bibi, resi­dent of Chak No 584/TDA in Chowk Sarwar Sha­heed alongwith the two people- each claiming to be the husband of the woman appeared before SHO of city police station. 

The SHO took them to present before area mag­istrate. The court let Asia Bibi to go alongwith the second husband, Amanat Ali on her will.

Asia had married with Imran Maseeh some years ago. However, she embraced Islam and re-married to Amanat Ali six months before. On Tuesday, as the lady moved to visit the market for shopping, the former husband rushed to catch her forcing her to move alongwith him. The situation turned critical when another man appeared shouting as she is his wife. Both of them started pulling the lady from her right and left arms to own side. Imran Maseeh told publicly that she is not Asia but Sonia Maseeh, his wife and mother of his four children. He said he has been searching her for the past six months. A large number of people of surrounding gathered around when the arguments intensified. People took Asia to nearby mosque and called up 15. Police Chowk Sar­war Shaheed took the three in custody before pre­senting them to the court where the woman chose her second husband to go alongwith him.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt