CM Maryam demands strict action against anarchist group

Calls Imran’s Zaman Park residence training headquarters of terrorists

Tarar calls Imran’s party Tehreek-e-Intishar.

LAHORE/ISLAMABAD  -  Referring to the statement of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf founder, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif said that the May 9 culprit has confessed to plan­ning and orchestrating the riots. In a statement on Tuesday, she said that it is not a party, but an anarchist group whose sole purpose is to harm the state through mischief. Maryam Nawaz said that Zaman Park remained a training headquarters for terrorists, training was given for mak­ing petrol bombs and attacking the state. May 9 was planned during the 4-month drama of plaster-cast leg, she said.

The CM said that what a peaceful protest it was, in which more than 200 military installations were attacked, air force planes were set on fire, corps commanders’ houses were burnt, and martyrs’ memorials were desecrat­ed. Conspiracies to make Pakistan default, letters to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), cipher and des­ecrating martyrs’ memorials are part of this big conspiracy, she mentioned. In the presence of evidence, strict ac­tion against this evil anarchist group, following the constitution and law, is a requirement of national security and national interests, she said. This is the same conspiratorial group that alien­ated friendly countries from Pakistan, used bad language against their lead­ership, made baseless accusations on CPEC and China, and stopped the vis­it of the President of China by staging a sit-in, she recalled. In 2014, they at­tacked Parliament, PTV, Prime Minis­ter House, washed dirty clothes on the walls of the police headquarters, and dug graves in D Chowk, she said.

Also, Federal Information Minister Attaullah Tarar Tuesday demanded strict action against the Pakistan Teh­reek-e-Insaf (PTI) and its founder who, according to him, orchestrated and fa­cilitated the May 9 conspiracy to attack more than 200 military installations, the Corps Commander House Lahore and other important buildings. 

According to the Information Minis­ter, the leader of the “Tehreek-e-Intis­har” has finally confessed his crime of “planning and facilitating” the May 9 tragedy. His family members found in­structing outside the Corps Command­er House Lahore to attack the building. He said the PTI sought nothing but vio­lence, chaos and anarchy to do political point scoring on the “dead bodies”.

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