Emergency Economic Response

Pakistan’s economy is in a dire situation. Following massive economic mismanagement, Paki­stan’s debt has doubled, and the ru­pee has crashed to dangerous lev­els. The inflation-driven economic storm has weakened the middle class, and the lower segments are facing extinction threats.

Although the new government is facing a serious challenge of eco­nomic recovery, it must create con­ditions for the middle class to grad­ually recover and ensure the lower segments are protected to prevent social unrest.

History is full of economic solu­tions that can be applied to Pak­istan’s situation. One example is the USA’s emergency economic re­sponse, where the middle and low­er classes were given tax incen­tives with down payments in cash to weather the inflationary storm, funded by sharing corporate prof­its. The fund was also used to in­vest in future infrastructure.



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