FO Regional Incharge inspects post office on parcel theft complaints

HYDERABAD   -   On the directives of Fed­eral Ombudsman Aijaz Ahmed Qureshi, the Regional Incharge Am­bassador (R) Dr. Riz­wan Ahmed on Tues­day inspected the post office in Latifabad No. 7, following rising pub­lic complaints about parcel thefts. Accord­ing to a press release, the Regional Incharge while inquiring with the concerned officers about the complaints of constant theft of par­cels in the Post Office emphasized the need to identify those respon­sible for stealing the parcels. He said that despite the availability of very affordable insur­ance, proper posters/notices were not put up to guide the public. He urged that large post­ers containing informa­tion about affordable insurance should be displayed prominently within the post office and that customers should be encouraged to opt for this insurance when booking parcels, so that in case of loss of parcels the loss suf­ferers can get adequate compensation.

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