Former PM of Jordan visits FUUAST

KARACHI   -   Former Prime Minister of Jordan and sitting President of Islamic World Academy of Sciences Prof. Dr. Adnan Badran and Dean of Sciences, American University of Beirut (AUB), Prof. Dr. Elias Baydoun, vis­ited Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Tech­nology (FUUAST) Islamabad campus on Tuesday. Ac­cording to spokesperson, they visited the FUUAST on invitation of Vice Chancellor FUUAST Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari, said a statement is­sued here. Incharge FUUAST Islamabad Campus Dr. Iht­sham Haq Padda, Additional Registrar Mohammad Aleem Raza along with the heads of various departments ac­corded a warm welcome to the guests and presented them flowers bouquets. Prof Dr Zabta Khan Shinwari pre­sented a brief introduction of Federal Urdu University, on the occasion. Prof Dr Adnan Badran thanked Prof. Zabta Khan on inviting them to the FUUAST and said that he is very pleased to visit the var­sity and he is very impressed by his leadership skills and he believes that the Univer­sity will become the best university in the world under his leadership. In the end, the VC thanked the guests for visiting the Federal Urdu Uni­versity and presented them shields and gifts.

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