Iran urged to provide comfort to Pakistani Arbaeen pilgrims

ISLAMABAD  -   Pakistan Ambassador to Tehran, Muhammad Mu­dassir Tipu, on Tuesday met with Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister and re­quested assistance in pro­viding comfort and facili­ties to Pakistani pilgrims visiting from August 1 to 26 for the Arbaeen pro­cession. According to a message received here, the Iranian government has instructed pilgrims to ensure their entry visas were valid, within the pre­scribed time frame, and in accordance with Iranian government policies. Pil­grims must have medi­cal insurance costing five euros each and undergo dengue tests. Those with positive test results will not be allowed to cross the border. Addition­ally, pilgrims were only permitted to cross the Pakistani border aboard Pakistani buses. Relevant authorities will ensure these buses were in good condition and meet road safety standards.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt