KP Assembly adopts resolution condemning attack on Pakistan consulate in Germany

PESHAWAR   -  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly on Tuesday ad­opted resolutions condemning the attack on Paki­stan consulate by gang of extremists. The resolu­tion to condemn attack on Pakistan consulate was tabled by Ahmad Kundi of PPP in the session that was presided over by Speaker Babar Salim Swati. 

The resolution said that Pakistani nation is greatly concerned over the incident in which its consulate was stormed and vandalized by Afghan miscreants. Pakistani people are also worried over the security failure that led to the condemnable in­cident, the resolution said demanding federal gov­ernment to lodge protest and initiate probe into the incident through German authorities.

Member Provincial Assembly, Daud Khan tabled resolutions demanding transfer of land to rightful owners that were allotted land in various areas of Kohat. Another resolution of Daud Khan demand­ed legislation for giving rights to legal owners of land in Jerma Kohat. Member Provincial Assem­bly, Abdus Salam Afridi through his resolution said that about 1400 midwife workers are provid­ing health service to people under MNCH Program of Health Department but their monthly stipend of 15000 rupees has been stopped. The resolution demanded regularization of midwife workers and provision of outstanding amount to them.

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