More of the Same

American politics is rife with controversy and conspiracy theo­ries, which become more potent as elections approach. Presi­dent Joe Biden’s health issues have been frequently discussed, and it was only a matter of time before the Democrats replaced him as their next presidential candidate. However, the absence of an official announcement nominating Vice President Kamala Harris as the presi­dential candidate highlights the confusion within the Democratic Par­ty. No woman has ever made it to the White House in American history, and the Democrats are in a difficult position for various reasons.

Biden did not have many fans, and now that he is out of the pres­idential race, he leaves behind a legacy of genocide and a blatant disregard for human rights, causing Americans to feel ashamed or at least think twice before calling themselves champions of human rights. Joe Biden earned the title “Genocide Joe,” and generations of Americans will remember him as such. His staunch support for Isra­el and the proposed peace deal that later mocked him suggest his in­capability in negotiating a settlement. Under his leadership, the most powerful country in the world could not stop Israel from the ground invasion of Rafah and the countless massacres that followed.

Now that he is stepping down, to the relief of many, the potential candidate, VP Kamala Harris, does not bring anything different to the table. Israel’s Prime Minister, Netanyahu, a war criminal with arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court, is in Washington and will even address a joint session of Congress. This precisely re­flects the shameless continuation of the Democrats’ policy, and Kama­la Harris will carry Biden’s legacy forward. The choice for Americans is between war apologists and a populist convicted on felony charges.

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