Pakistan must implement strategic measures to boost date exports

Pakistan must implement strategic measures to boost date exports by meeting international standards and securing a foothold in the global market.

“Pakistan is the fifth-largest producer of dates in the world, but the exports are not very encouraging,” pointed out Haji Abdul Rahman Bazai, General Secretary of Balochistan Zamindar Action Committee.

Pakistan has an annual date production of over 150,000 metric tonnes.

“The country, known for producing high-quality dates, can significantly boost its exports by addressing key areas such as infrastructure, quality control, market access, and branding,” he told WealthPK.

“One of the primary challenges faced by Pakistani date farmers is the lack of modern infrastructure. The establishment of advanced processing plants is crucial. These plants can enhance the quality of dates by improving sorting, grading, and packaging processes,” he underscored.

Rahman said, “By extending the shelf life of dates through proper processing and storage, Pakistan can ensure its products meet international standards and remain competitive in global markets.”

“To compete internationally, Pakistan must focus on stringent quality control measures. Implementing internationally recognised certification processes will assure buyers of the quality and safety of Pakistani dates. This includes adhering to sanitary and phytosanitary standards, which are essential for gaining access to markets in Europe, North America, and other regions with strict import regulations,” he highlighted.

The Balochistan Zamindar Action Committee official continued, “Effective branding and marketing strategies are essential for positioning Pakistani dates in the global market. Developing a national brand that highlights the unique qualities of Pakistani dates such as their taste, nutritional value, and cultural significance can help attract international buyers.” 

Additionally, he said empowering date farmers through education and financial support is crucial for sustainable growth. “Training programmes on modern farming techniques, pest management, and post-harvest handling can improve yield and quality. Access to credit and financial incentives can enable farmers to invest in better equipment and practices, further boosting productivity and profitability.”

Investing in research and development can lead to innovations that improve date production and processing. Developing new varieties that are more resistant to pests and diseases as well as those with longer shelf lives and higher yields can give Pakistani dates a competitive edge.

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