Present system of price controlling has totally failed, say residents

GUJAR KHAN  -  Residents urge upon the chief minister Punjab to introduce an effective mech­anism for price controlling on the pat­tern of E-challan being used by the traffic wardens. They have said that the present system of price controlling has totally failed to provide any relief to the consumers due to many flaws in implementation of rate lists. 

Kaleem Ullah Bhatti advocate point­ed out that the duties to control prices of kitchen items and fruits has been assigned to the assistant commission­ers, municipal officers, and tehsildars and other officials who have plenty of their departmental duties, and have to attend their departmental duties and inspections in the field. Mr Bhatti said that right from the opening of fruit and vegetable markets, the inef­ficiency of authorities is observed as the officials of the market committee seldom survey at the spot auction rates of commodities. 

Later, the rate lists prepared at the desks of market committee of­fices are also inflated for obvious reasons and these lists are neither properly distributed to the venders nor displayed for the consumers and they are forced to surrender as much money as demanded by the profi­teers. Mr. M. Kaleem Bhatti further said that in this era of information technology, every consumer can have access to the rate lists if these are displayed at the webpage of the area market committee. 

The officials of the food authority be specifically authorized and equipped to issue at the spot E-challans and re­ceive fines from the profiteers during their regular sorties in the bazars.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt