SLA to establish Language Learning Centre in all district of Sindh

HYDERABAD  -  Sindhi Language Authority has decided to establish Language Learning Centre in every district of Sindh in collabora­tion with Sindh Government besides a high level committee would also be constituted to monitor teaching pro­cess and standard of different subjects including Sindhi in private Schools. 

These decision were made in a meeting chaired by Sindh Educa­tion Minister Syed Sardar Ali Shah in Karachi on the requisition of Sindhi Language Authority. The Chairman Sindhi Language Authority Dr. Ishaq Samejo, Director STEDA Syed Rasool Bux Shah and Head of private Schools Directorate Rafia Malah attended the meeting. Education Minister Syed Sardar Ali Shah assured to extend every possible cooperation and as­sistance, Education department will provide a specific place in every dis­trict while Sindh Teachers education development authority (STEDA) will also assist in teacher’s training.

As per decisions, professional training will be provided to private teachers for teaching Sindhi in new centers so that standard of Sindhi Language in private Schools could be improved. Meeting also decided that like Sindhi Language, standard of Urdu teaching will be improved with the help of institutions working for the uplift of Urdu language while a high level committee would be constituted for checking educational standard of different subjects includ­ing Sindhi and Urdu languages which will also look after the issues related to students and teachers. Central Directorate of private Schools will play a role of a Linkage between pri­vate Schools of entire Sindh and Sin­dhi Language Authority.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt