South Punjab Secretariat embraces AI to improve governance, agri sector

MULTAN   -   In a revolutionary move towards improved governance, the South Punjab Secretariat, under the di­rection of Additional Chief Secre­tary South Punjab, Fuad Hashim Rabbani, started use of artificial intelligence (AI) in public ser­vice delivery.

This innovative step posi­tions the Southern Punjab Secretariat as Pakistan’s first government body to employ Artificial Intelligence applica­tions to enhance efficiency in various departments. To kick start this initiative effectively, an awareness session was con­ducted on Tuesday, educating all secretaries and special sec­retaries of South Punjab on the application of AI. The session, presided over by Fuad Hashim Rabbani, featured a demon­stration by AI consultant Dr Athar Mansoor. Key attendees included Secretary of Agricul­ture Saqib Ali Ateel, Secretary of Services Engineer Amjad Shoaib Khan Tareen, Emerson University Vice Chancellor Mu­hammad Ramzan, some agri­cultural experts, and students. Prominent professors from Nawaz Sharif Agricultural Uni­versity and Bahauddin Zakari­ya University also participated.

In his address, Fuad Hashim Rabbani shared the pioneering role of the South Punjab Secre­tariat in leveraging AI to combat poverty through agricultural de­velopment. AI applications will be utilised further to increase per-acre yield and optimise the use of seeds and pesticides. 

Similarly, AI degree holders will be offered internships in the agriculture department to further integrate this technol­ogy into the sector. The initia­tive will extend to healthcare, education, and traffic control, said Fuad Hashmi.

Rabbani announced the for­mation of a team comprising government officers, professors and students to devise a compre­hensive AI strategy. A pilot proj­ect employing AI across various sectors will be proposed to the Punjab government. 

Emphasising the importance of AI in modern administration, he maintained that embracing IT and AI were essential to stay competitive globally. He encour­aged educators and students to pursue research in AI as it would help serve as foundation for Pak­istan’s development.

VC Emerson University Mu­hammad Ramzan disclosed the establishment of a BS Artificial Intelligence faculty at the uni­versity to offer students’ ser­vices to benefit agriculture and government departments. Sec­retary Agriculture South Pun­jab Saqib Ali Ateel revealed that the groundwork for AI-driven agricultural advancements was also completed. He added, “AI will assist in soil fertility as­sessments, crop monitoring, and predicting the optimal har­vest time for fruits and crops. Additionally, AI will also help diagnose livestock diseases.”

He remarked that the pioneer­ing initiative marked a signifi­cant step towards integrating advanced technologies into pub­lic administration and setting a benchmark for other govern­ment bodies in the country.

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