The Noorani Foundation - Akhuwat School students achieve 3rd best matric board results in Punjab

FAISALABAD   -   The Noorani Foundation - Akhuwat School, a not-for-profit institution, cel­ebrates a remarkable achieve­ment as its first batch of students ranks 3rd in the Matric Board results across Punjab. This co­hort, with 46 students scoring grade A+ and 2 students securing grade A, achieved the best results in Faisalabad, trailing only be­hind the prestigious Hassan Ab­dal and PAF Sargodha schools in Punjab. This academic triumph underscores the efficacy of The Noorani Foundation’s innovative approach to building low-cost boarding schools, designed to bridge the education gap for Pak­istan’s most marginalized com­munities. Established in 2019, the foundation aims to transform students’ lives through quality education and mentorship that only a boarding school environ­ment can provide. “We are im­mensely proud of our students. This success showcases the un­tapped potential within every child in Pakistan, emphasizing the need for nurturing platforms to foster their growth,” said Mr. Tasneem Noorani, Founder of The Noorani Foundation. “At The Noorani Foundation, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and inequality, not just in Faisalabad but throughout Pakistan. We are already planning our next board­ing school in Swabi and encour­age the Government and other organizations to learn from our practices to scale these low-cost boarding schools across the country.” The Noorani Founda­tion was founded on principles of equity, compassion, and edu­cation. Inspired by the Akhu­wat Foundation’s philosophy of interest-free microfinance, it provides high-quality educa­tion to financially constrained children, offering nearly 100% scholarships and covering all room and board expenses. The students hail from all provinces of Pakistan, predominantly from low-income households with an average monthly income of PKR 25,000 to 35,000. The Noorani Foundation - Akhuwat School’s outstanding 10th-grade results on Faisalabad board are a testa­ment to the effectiveness of the Foundation’s approach, proving that every Pakistani child needs an opportunity to excel.

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