Waning Love for Books

In the present age of AI, Insta­gram, TikTok, Facebook, and other technologies, finding a book reader in our society has become a rare occurrence. Books, once considered a tremendous source of delight and the best friends of humans, have been replaced by technology. Nowadays, the ma­jority of people find technology more enjoyable than books. In the past, people would read newspa­pers and good books to pass and relish their spare time, but now they find such joy in technology. This is undoubtedly a very de­plorable sight.

Books are people’s best friends, and this dictum is especially true for the elderly. The happiest peo­ple in the world are not those who own big villas, luxury cars, or lead a lavish lifestyle, but those who de­velop the habit of reading. Books expand knowledge and wisdom, teach love and patience, give cour­age in difficult times, groom a per­sonality, and provide a lasting source of deep peace.

Lahore is the second largest city in Pakistan and the largest city in Punjab. In its remote areas, one can barely find any library.

As a resident of Raiwind (a sub­urb of Lahore), I have to endure a plethora of hassles to find books written by local and internation­al authors, as such books are no­where to be found in our book market. A library has become a necessity in our locale. Despite the scores of schools and colleges in Raiwind, there is not a single li­brary. Setting up a public library would surely be welcomed by the residents.

Given the already declining stan­dards of education in our country, the government should mandate educational institutions across the country to organize book-reading and essay-writing competitions to encourage and polish students’ skills. They should also distribute prizes to keep students motivated. Moreover, the government must establish public libraries in every city so that people do not have to travel long distances to quench their thirst for knowledge. One hopes the authorities concerned will look into the matter.



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