CM orders crackdown against kite-flying after death of youth in Faisalabad

LAHORE  -  Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has expressed her severe in­dignation over the frequent occur­rence of kite flying incidents despite imposition of a ban on it. She ordered to run a campaign for eradication of kite flying across the province. She ordered stern action against those found involved in violating the kite flying ban. The CM ordered the Chief Secretary, district administration and police to ensure implementation on the said orders. On the direction of CM, a notification has been issued in this regard. Maryam Nawaz has sought a report from IG Police about the death incident of a youth due to kite flying in Faisalabad within 48 hours. She directed the IG Police to submit a report after ascertaining those elements found responsible for the death of an innocent youth. CM stated,” Despite imposition of a ban on kite flying under the Punjab Prohi­bition of Kite Flying Ordinance 2001, occurrence of such incidents across Punjab is highly deplorable. A crack­down must be launched against those found involved in committing viola­tion of kite flying ban. Meanwhile, Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar has issued orders to all supervisory officers to speed up measures to prevent kite flying. He directed that CCPO Lahore, RPOs, DPOs should ensure implementation of Anti-Kite Flying Act. He ordered to take strict and indiscriminate action against kite flying, sellers and manu­facturers of metallic strings. He or­dered to accelerate an indiscriminate action against the accused involved in manufacturing, sale and use of metal­lic string and kites. A Punjab Police spokesman said that in the last 24 hours, 39 people were arrested and 38 cases registered for violating the Anti-Kite Flying Act across the prov­ince. 761 kites, 57 metallic string wheels were recovered from the pos­session of the accused.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt