Commissioner Karachi pays visit to Korangi Sports Academy

LAHORE - Commissioner Karachi Mu­hammad Iqbal Memon has vis­ited Korangi Sports Academy, formerly Rashid Latif Academy, and met with the players pres­ent there. 

Commissioner Sports Coor­dinator Ghulam Muhammad Khan was also present on the occasion. Commissioner Kara­chi Muhammad Iqbal Memon visited different parts of the academy and reviewed the fa­cilities there. The Commission­er said: “The players are the builders of our nation, if better facilities are available to these players, they can earn good name and fame for the country across the world.” 

On the occasion, he was ap­prised of different problems being faced by the players. The Commissioners assured them of his all-out support and also promised to resolve all their problems on a priority basis. “Better infrastructure and mod­ern facilities will be provided to our players, who, in return, have to work hard and earn interna­tional glories for Pakistan,” said M Iqbal Memon.

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