Dual-standard of the West

The Israel-Hamas war, which broke out after the surprise attack of Hamas on Israel on October 7, has split world opinion and divulged the dual standard of the world. The ones who are advocating Israel while disregarding the decades-old atrocities of Israel and international rules and principles of war, and the others who are denouncing Israel for its aggression on Palestinians under the pretext of jus ad bellum. Actually, Israel is violating jus cogens. Unfortunately, the states that were plumping for Ukraine’s self-defense and right to self-determination are now ignoring Palestinians right to self-defense and self-determination, terming its legitimate ruling organisation a terrorist group.
Israel’s hazardous bombardment and strikes have resulted in killing, injuring, displacing, and destroying. At least 11,000 people, including more than 5,000 children, in Gaza have been bumped off. The tally of people injured by Israeli strikes is more than 27,000, including more than 8,000 children. Also, a large number of people are displaced, including children and women. Under the false claim of Hamas presence, Israeli strikes have bombarded hospitals too. The Israeli army has surrounded hospitals in Gaza, endangering medical staff and patients. Apart from them, they have sieged Gaza and cut off supplies of food, water, fuel, electricity, and medicine. Consequently, Palestinians are undergoing the worst crisis in their history.
Besides, Israel has violated the principles of international humanitarian law set by the United Nations, which outline three rules for fighting war to prevent or at least reduce destruction during war. The rules are distinction, which is defined as the prohibition to attack civilian populations and objects; proportionality, which is defined as the military objects should not be attacked if there is an expectation of civilian life loss more than military advantage; and precautions, defined as taking due care while attacking any military objects so that civilian lives are not lost. However, Israel has not complied with any of the mentioned principles, which has resulted in the mass destruction of lives and hospitals.
Equally heartening in all this is that the states that call themselves champions of human rights are showing their double standard while standing by Israel and backing their atrocities, which were criticising Russia for the same as Israel is doing. Indubitably, both Palestine and Ukraine are oppressed and tyrannised, but the double standard is unendurable. The United States of America, the United Kingdom, and the European Union are key players in this double-standard game. According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a German think tank, at least 32 countries provided Ukraine with military aid, including weapons, equipment, or financial assistance for the army during the Russia-Ukrainian war. 25 out of 32 were part of NATO. The US topped the list as a major financial contributor to Ukraine, following the European Union and the UK. Besides, NATO trained Ukraine’s troops and special forces. Apart from this, 42 countries, including the US and EU, imposed almost 11,327 sanctions on Russia, making it the most sanctioned country in the world. Regretfully, all countries that have provided military assistance to Ukraine and criticised Russia for killings are doing the opposite in the case of Israel-Hamas. They are supporting Israel but criticising Palestine’s duly elected representatives, Hamas, which is retaliating decades-old tyranny of Israel. This is not aimed at justifying the Russian position in the war, but rather to uncover the double standard of the world’s countries, especially western countries.
Recently, the UN Security Council passed a resolution for a humanitarian pause and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip. It is to allow aid delivery and medical evacuation. But Israeli ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, termed it disconnected from reality and meaningless and defied to comply with the resolution, and this is not the first time that Israel has denied to comply with the resolution of the Security Council, which is binding law. However, just a humanitarian pause for some days cannot lessen the pain and suffering of Palestinians and human beings at all. So, a complete ceasefire is a must. In a newly issued statement, after the four-day ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, Israeli PM Netanyahu clarified that they are at war and that even after releasing hostages, they will not end the war until they reach absolute victory, but victory is not clear. What they call victory is either to end Palestine or bump off all Palestinians.
Additionally, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Arab League called a summit in Riyadh in this regard, the gist of the summit was a unified position for the cause of Palestine and holding Israel accountable, but sanctions were avoided. Besides, Saudi Arabia terminated its normalization talks with Israel when Israeli strikes hit Palestine. It is indubitably a gesture of unity, but all Muslim countries should stand united, and since Muslim countries are major suppliers of international oil, they must use it as a tool to stop the genocide of Palestinians.
Apart from this, two Turkish ships, loaded with field hospitals, generators, and ambulances for injured people in Gaza, have been sent to Egyptian ports. Additionally, not only Muslims but other people from various Muslim and non-Muslim counties came out on the streets to protest and call for an immediate ceasefire. Even some Jews called for a ceasefire, asking Israel not to commit genocide in their names.
To sum up, Israel must not be given a free ticket to kill, injure, or destroy thousands of Palestinians, including children and women. The United Nations and other key global players must be neutral, call for an immediate ceasefire, and hold Israel accountable for what it has committed for decades and ongoing war crimes, as it has violated jus cogens by committing crimes against humanity. Also, a two-state solution should be considered to halt the suffering of Palestinians.

The author is a freelance columnist based in Karachi.

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