Police book Maulana Abdul Aziz Ghazi for threatening cops

Gunmen of Ghazi also pointed guns towards policemen

islamabad   -  Police have booked chief cleric of Lal Mosque and Jamia Hafsa, Maulana Abdul Aziz Ghazi, along with his five unknown gunmen and 50 female students on pointing guns on policeman and hurling threats, said a police spokesman on Thursday.

The case was registered with Police Station Aabpara on complaint of Anti Riot Unit (ARU) Inspector Muhammad Riaz under sections 353/186 and 506ii of Pakistan Penal Code (PPC), he said. However, no arrest was made so far by the police. According to him, ARU Inspector Muhammad Riaz lodged a complaint with PS Aabpara stating that he along with his team was present on duty at Jamia Hafsa in Sector G-7/3 when a pickup loaded with iron bars was spotted coming from nullah side. 

He said the cops stopped the vehicle for checking when Lal Mosque head Maulana Abul Aziz Ghazi along with five of his gunmen appeared and started pushing the cops in uniform. “The gunmen of Ghazi also pointed guns over policemen and hurled threats of dire consequences,” he mentioned. The police officer told that 50 female students of Jamia Hafsa came into action and escorted the iron-loaded vehicle into seminary forcefully. 

He pleaded the police to register a case against the accused and to arrest them. Police filed case against accused and started investigation. 

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt