A new era!

General Malik will come to office at a critical time for Pakistan and with it an opportunity to rejuvenate the US-Pak relationship

The succession of Lieutenant General Asim Malik as the new Director-General of the Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) heralds a critical chapter in Pakistan's political and security milieu. When Gen Malik assumes this vital post on September 30, it would be an ideal chance for him to play a role not only in national security but also improve Pakistan's diplomacy especially with US.

In such a complex security environment, where the state of Pakistan is faced with numerous internal and external challenges, General Malik's vast experience in security/ intelligence as well as seasoned leadership qualities would be beneficial. The US and Pakistan have a long history of working together, built on mutual interests — especially in the field of counter-terrorism and regional stability. General Malik can help navigate the turbulent waters of Pakistan's current security landscape and buttress cooperation with US interlocutors.

And of course, the American elections coming up in November this year will shape Pakistan-US relations almost as much. A new administration also could result in the implementation of different perspectives and policies that might strengthen or test the partnership. Regardless of how the election comes out, this situation potentially gives General Malik an opportunity to work with US officials in a forward-leaning manner, articulating Pakistan's interests clearly and promoted dialogue based upon mutual goals. With a successful initiative to actively engage with diplomats before an election, the transfer of power could be more peaceful and cooperation, rather than conflict, may stay at the forefront.

From the perspective of Pakistan, withdrawal from Afghanistan are great challenges and opportunities. As peace and security in the region are interrelated and Pakistan's internal stability is linked to Afghanistan, General Malik can initiate useful discussion with US to weigh-in coordinated strategy to fine-tune a game plan. This would result in increased intelligence sharing and improved counterterrorism strategies for the benefit of both countries.

Pakistan is going through tough economic times, further complicated by the political uncertainty and at such a juncture a strong partnership with United States will be of immense help. Pakistani government has sought American investment and economic aid which would stabilize Pakistani economy, control inflation and create jobs that in turn should mitigate social unrest and reduced extremism. Through emphasizing economic cooperation, the two states have an opportunity to plan a bright future that enriches both of their respective populations.

In tandem with economic cooperation, there is also a real prospect for cultural exchange and people-to-people contact. Improving educational connections, fostering tourism as well as boosting trade ties could open the door for more significant mutual understanding. While these initiatives help to create a goodwill and reiterate the importance of strengthening bilateral ties, a partnership narrative instead of a divisiveness goes down very well.

At this time General Malik's leadership at the ISI is valuable because regional cooperation cannot afford any lowering of its guard. Pakistan can still play an indispensable role in regional stability by jointly tackling critical American concerns ranging from marginalizing extremist groups and humanitarian issues inside Afghanistan to renewed focus on the peace-process. The unity will help security, and it will also show the world what is to be gained from co-operation.

General Malik will come to office at a critical time for Pakistan and with it an opportunity to rejuvenate the US-Pak relationship. This could fundamentally alter this partnership and highlights the importance of some preventative diplomacy before we see our next presidential election in 2024. And by working toward common interests of safety and security, economic strength, and cultural dialogue both nations can negotiate the complexities of today's global stage. For Pakistan, this could be further way of re-asserting its role in the geopolitical landscape and forging a path forward by establishing a mutually beneficial and constructive relationship with the US, which would not only serve their own interests but that of the whole region.

While there have been many paranoid analyses around every corner of the digital world, let’s focus on the brighter side this time. The potential for collaboration and mutual growth between Pakistan and the US offers a hopeful outlook for both nations, paving the way for a more secure and prosperous future.

The writer is member of staff.

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