Digital App to be launched on skill learning, business linkages

Peshawar   -   A Peshawar based startup, Krafters has announced launching of a digital ‘App’ for guiding general public about potential livelihood opportunities through learning different skills, starting businesses and developing market linkages.

“The aim of launching this App on livelihood is aimed to expand the scope of Krafters which has already developed a network of over 9000 artisans, around 80 percent female, to wider public willing to earn skills and start home based businesses,” said Zahid Ali Shah, CEO Krafters in a press release issued here on Saturday.

Through the App, to be developed with the funding of government under Pakistan Innovation Fund, people will be educated on how to establish business, undertake necessary documentation and develop linkages with relevant departments for expanding sale scope at national as well as international levels, Zahid added. In digital App on livelihood, prominent trainers will provide guidance free of cost to people about learning of different skills including stitching, embroidery, cooking, baking, beautician, designing, knitting etc. The app based platform will also provide training to IT professionals on freelancing including profile development and working on Fiverr, Upwork, Remote hub and others.  Apart from training skills, the App will also provide updates to its users about exhibitions being held in different parts of the country so that they can display their products & services for sale.

During training, special focus would be given to vulnerable communities including people with disabilities, minorities and even transgender, Zahid announced. All vulnerable segments of the society can benefit from the App and approach for any additional technical support from organisers, he assured.

He informed that Krafters is an e-commerce platform working since 2017 with the aim of reviving and sustaining craft tradition and to empower home based workers to earn livelihood.  However, now they have decided to broaden the scope of krafters and include skilled individuals from all sectors for business establishment and entrepreneurship activities. 

The beneficiary home based workers are using the platform of Krafter by displaying their products online for sale, getting help in purchase of raw material and improvement in artifacts’ design and quality in accordance with market demands.

Zahid said a consultative workshop of technical institutions including SMEDA, SRSP, KP TEVTA, microfinance institutions and chambers will be held soon for finalizing training module and implementation process for business startups through livelihood App.

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