Poliovirus detected in Lahore sewage

The National Institute of Health (NIH) has confirmed the detection of poliovirus in sewage samples collected from Lahore. The samples were taken from the Gulshan Ravi Disposal Station and dispatched to the NIH on August 7.

In response, the polio eradication program has announced a targeted vaccination campaign, starting September 10, in specific areas to immunize children under five. The program is urging parents to ensure their children receive the polio vaccine to curb the spread of this highly contagious disease.

Earlier, on August 23, a new polio case was confirmed in Pakistan. A 29-month-old girl from Hyderabad's Liaquat Colony Pretabad was found to be infected with the virus. This marks the 16th polio case in Pakistan this year, with 11 cases originating from Balochistan and three from Sindh.

Sindh's polio officials noted that the infected child was malnourished, and authorities are investigating her vaccination status. The Regional Reference Laboratory for Polio Eradication informed a private media outlet that poliovirus has been detected in 62 districts across Pakistan, affecting 16 children so far this year, underscoring the continued threat of polio transmission in various communities across the country.

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